Basic Training - Naval Pilots

Squadron Placement and Benefits
            Every officer in the Imperial Order has a unit placement. For officers of the Naval Pilots, the units are comprised of squadrons which consist of 12 pilots each. Each squadron consists of three Flight Groups containing four pilots. An Imperial Order squadron is led by the Squadron Commander, an experienced senior officer who, with the assistance of the Squadron Executive Officer and Flight Leaders, operate, lead, command and maintain the daily operations of their squadron. As you are just entering Imperial service, your position is that of a Flight Member. However, as you are still in training, you are not yet able to reap all of the rewards of an officer who has completed their training. These rewards are as follows:
  • You are not eligible for any promotions until you pass Basic Training and earn the rank of Ensign
  • You are not eligible for any Medals of Merit
  • You are not eligible for Imperial Credits that members can spend freely in the Empire

    However, do not give up hope you are able to participate in the following:
  • You are expected to atttend the Imperial Order Weekly Meetings
  • You have full access to the Holonet, IO.NET email, the Officer Database
  • You are eligible to play and compete in any competition, tournament or challenge - on- or off-line
  • You are able to play and complete any official Imperial Order Battle and receive the respective Battle Medal

                 Communication is a key aspect of the Imperial Order, and will be your most valuable tool and asset as a member. We have three primary forms of communication, each one as important as the other:

  • The Imperial Order Holonet - The Imperial Holonet is for communication between all members of the Fleet. The Holonet serves as the primary message area for new announcements concerning upcoming events and general data. The Holonet also boasts topic specific areas, such as the gaming events and division news. All members should read the Holonet regularly (daily is recommended) and they can post their own Imperial Order or Star Wars related topics or follow-up posts. All members are to abide by Code of Conduct communication protocol when sending transmissions.

  • Member E-mail - Member E-mail is one of the most direct methods of getting in contact with your superior officers and your fellow members. You will be required to report into your Squadron Commander on a weekly basis with your status report, along with keeping in contact with your other unit members on a regular basis. In turn, your Squadron Commander will send you news and important transmissions throughout the week in order to keep you busy.

  • Internet Relay Chat - our IRC channel serves as a main focal point for online chat and discussion during all hours of the day, seven days a week. Members are highly encourage to come to IRC and meet their fellow officers "face to face" for a more personal aspect of our Star Wars community. To access IRC you will need an IRC program such as mIRC. A specialized release of mIRC, customized for the Imperial Order, is availible to all Imperial Order members for download at the IO mIRC Site, which you can access from the IO Main Concourse.

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