Basic Training - Naval Pilots
Naval Pilots Final Exam

In order for you to pass Basic Training, earn your graduation diploma and receive your promotion to the rank of Ensign, you must complete this exam in its entirety to the best of your ability. A score of 80% and higher is required for passing Basic Training. If you pass, the Training Staff will notify you and send you your graduation papers. In the unfortunate event that you fail, you will be given a second, different test that you will have to pass with a score of 90% and higher.
You've come this far in the Training, Flight Cadet, and by taking and passing this exam, you will prove to the Empire and yourself that you are ready to become one of the best. Good luck!
Your ID Line:
Your Callsign:
Your E-Mail Address:
1.) What are the duties of a Flight Member?
2.) What are the duties of the Strategic Command Officer?
3.) What are rank promotions based on and how are they earned?
4.) What is Article I of the Code of Conduct?
5.) Where can Imperial Order Uniforms and Medals be found? (Name the High Command Office and provide the URL)
6.) What is the chain of command within a squadron?
7.) Identify some reasons why members of the Naval Pilots are supposed to fly Official Battles.
8.) Where is the Imperial Holonet located (provide the URL) and why is the Holonet important?
9.) Identify some of the Do's and Don'ts of the Imperial Order IRC General Rules and Etiquette.
10.) Identify each part of this ID line:
COL/SXO JohnDoe/ISD Arrowhead/Furious Wing I/Kappa 1-1 {IOE}{DSC}{BS}
11.) What are Weekly Status reports and why are they important?
12.) What is Imperial Command Authority Directive 722-Jenth?
13.) What can happen to an officer who is brought up on charges of a Class II offense?
14.) What is Situational Awareness and why is it important?
15.) Define General Participation and Member Activity and state, in your words why this is important to not only you, but The Imperial Order.
Bonus: Define the Larsen Admendment.

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