Basic Training - Naval Pilots
Welcome to the Imperial Order's Basic Training for Naval Pilots, Flight Cadet. This training facility is located aboard the Platform Tigris stationed in the Ryloth System. By now you have received your initial personnel data packet
from a Training Center officer. By joining the ranks of the Imperial Order Naval Pilots, you are entering in the hallowed ranks of some of the best pilots the Empire has to offer. Our only demand is that you live up to the Empire's standards and
one day, you too may become one of the elite.
During your time in Basic Training, you will receive a self-study course in the daily and long-term operations of the Imperial Order. You will learn our ranking and position system, our Code of Conduct, what is expected of you as an Imperial Officer, and
other vital pieces of information that are critical to your longevity and activity as a full-fledged member of the Imperial Order. At the end of this course, given that you have followed the instructions to the letter, you will be required to take an online form-based
examination. In order for you to graduate and gain the rank of Ensign, you will need to pass this test with a score of 80% or higher.
Let's get started then, shall we?
Proceed to Page II
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| Final Exam