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Official Battles - The Story

The Battle of Khomm

Imperial Order Battle XXVI

by Ged Larsen, © 2002, The Imperial Order



            The durasteel doors of the Emperor's Throne Room in the Imperial Palace silently opened. Grand Admiral Valdis Drifter, Warlord of the Empire and Executive Officer of the Imperial Order, entered the chamber accompanied by two Royal Guardsmen. In his impeccable white uniform, lightsaber at his belt, Valdis Drifter ascended the steps to the Emperor's Throne. The two Royal Guardsmen took up their positions at the entranceway. The Grand Admiral stepped onto the raised platform, approached his Emperor and knelt on one knee.

            The massive cortosis ore throne turned slowly and soundlessly around to reveal Emperor Ged Larsen clad in his Dark Jedi robes.

            "Rise, my friend, " the Emperor commanded. " What news do you bring to me?"

            Drifter rose, and in a clear voice, replied to his master, "Emperor, the Coruscant system is now completely secure. All elements of resistance have either been eliminated or driven away. Our forces are now concentrating on repair and rebuilding as we speak. The people of Coruscant are very happy to have us back in control."

            "Indeed they are, Valdis. The Rebels held them and oppressed them for far too long. Their support was key in helping us retake Coruscant."

            "Yes, Master," Drifter acknowledged. "Master, I have a concern...."


            "I was thinking about how we are to crew new capital ships coming off the production lines. As you recall, we were spread thin while trying to find able-bodied officers for the Coruscant Defense Fleet, " Drifter stated, then continued after a brief pause, " I conducted some research in the Imperial Information Archives and found something of interest. A solution to the problem, if you will."

            "You have my attention, Drifter, " Larsen replied, leaning forward in his throne.

            "The Khomm system," Drifter said, "And its cloning technology."


            The planet Khomm, in the system of the same name, lies on the outer region of the Farfin Sector. It has no moons, no unusual geological features, no axial tilt, and a regular orbit. A thousand years ago, the planet's alien inhabitants decided that their society had reached perfection. They froze their bureaucratic culture at this 'perfect' level and began producing clones of previous generations. The genderless clones of Khomm like to keep to their own affairs, rarely leaving their planet and keeping the same roles and schedules from generation to generation. The planet remained neutral during the Civil War. Khomm's cities are laid out in perfect gridworks, with almost every building and residence looking identical and made from the same green-veined rock. Large cloning facilities both on planet and in orbit, not only produce Khomm's inhabitants, but also hold a record of every clone ever produced.


*           *            *


            "Rear Admiral Desak, do you understand and accept the mission given to you?" Grand Admiral Drifter's cold stare burned into the officer standing in front of his desk. Since his return to Bilbringi, Valdis Drifter had spent every waking moment forming a battle plan to capture the Khomm system. That plan was now ready to be put into action.

            "Aye, Grand Admiral. I am to lead a delegation, comprised of the Frigates Cyclone and Voracity II to the planet Khomm and coerce the populace into joining the Empire, " Rear Admiral Desak repeated back to his commander. " If the Khomm leadership refuses, I am to signal Vice Admiral Midanyl and the Imperial Star Destroyer Crusader for assistance in capturing both the planet and its orbital and surface facilities.

            "Very good, Desak. You may get underway as soon as your ships and crews are ready, " Drifter commanded, then added, " Do not fail me...Rear Admiral."

            Desak swallowed visibly, regained his composure, then snapped his boot heels together and saluted. Once the salute was returned, Desak left the Grand Admiral's chambers.


*           *            *


            "Tell me again why we're being transferred to a Frigate again, boss?" Colonel Tam Sythe, Squadron Executive Officer of Victor squadron asked his Commander. "Don't tell me this is going to be some mercy mission."

            Seated around a holochess table in the pilot’s lounge of the ISD Crusader, Brigadier General Jaster Rennek looked at his SXO, then his Flight Leader, Colonel Dak Falgate. Seeing the same expression on both of their faces, he sighed once again. "First of all, its only temporary. Second, it’s not a mercy mission. And third, as the Wing Commander of Dagger Wing, it was left to my discretion as to which squadrons would be picked for his operation."

            "And naturally, you chose us," Falgate chimed in.

            "Naturally," Rennek said dryly. "Look fellas, we're the best squadron for this mission...and I heard the request came from way high up."

            "You mean the Emperor himself?" Sythe asked soberly.

            "Close enough. It came from Grand Admiral Drifter, so it’s High Command priority, and thetas good enough for me. So, no this won't be a mercy mission, far from it."

            "When do we get started?"Sythe asked enthusiastically.


*           *            *




            "Reversion to realspace in thirty seconds, Rear Admiral," the helm officer of the FRG Cyclone called out. Desak sat in his command chair on the bridge and surveyed his crew. He too had been watching the navicomputer countdown clock as well. "Acknowledged," he replied, then picked up the comm unit to call hangar control. "Hangar Control, Bridge, order Victor Squadron to launch ten seconds after reversion."

            "Aye, aye, sir, " came the reply.

            "Ten seconds," the helm officer called out. "5...4...3...2...1, cut in the sublight engines, disengage hyperdrives."

            The mottled scene of hyperspace became elongated starlines, then stationary stars. They had arrived in the Khomm system. The Frigates Voracity II reverted two seconds later, pulling alongside the Frigate Cyclone in precise formation. Victor squadron, flying TIE Fighters, cleared the Cyclone's hangar bay and began their escort patrol.

            "Tactical, update," RA Desak barked out.

            "Sir, they have not yet noticed our presence. We're currently scanning their orbital facilities, and for any signs of a defensive force."
            "Very well, continue scans, " Desak said." Communications, get me a hailing frequency for the planet."

            The communications officer made the necessary adjustments, and informed his ship commander the link was ready.

            "This is Rear Admiral Desak, aboard the Imperial Frigate Cyclone, hailing the OverConsul of Khomm. We request a diplomatic audience, " Desak spoke regally.

            The reply came a few moments later. "This is Beshak 96, General of the Khomm Defense League. The OverConsul is in session, what is your purpose here?"

            "I am instructed to speak with the OverConsul, and the OverConsul only," Desak replied tersely." You may inform him that the Empire has a proposition for his populace."

            The silence lasted a bit longer this time, but finally a reply came back, a different voice this time. " This is Torsh 76, OverConsul of the planet Khomm, how may I be of service to the Empire, Rear Admiral?"

            "OverConsul Torsh, I have been instructed by the Ruler of the Galaxy, Emperor Larsen, to extend his greetings to you and offer you protection under the Empire."

            Silence again. No doubt political bickering was already unfolding on the planet below. Torsh returned, " What will be the benefits for the Khomm people if we accept?"

            "Protection from all hostile enemies, free reign of government, and...freedom," Desak spoke smoothly.

            "And in return for these generous gifts?"

            "Partial, shared use of your cloning facilities."

            "And if we refuse?" Torsh audibly gulped.

"You won't OverConsul, you won't, " Desak said chillingly.


*           *            *


            The twelve TIE Fighters of Victor squadron spread out into three flight groups, each in diamond-vee formation. They had all heard the exchange between Desak and the OverConsul. Brigadier General Rennek ordered his squadron to move into defensive postures. There was not telling how the Khommites would react to the ultimatum. They continued to listen in on the dialogue...


            "Ahm...we may have a problem, Rear Admiral, " the OverConsul spoke nervously.

            "Pray tell, what would that be?" Desak replied.

            "Well...Khomm had another visitor today...someone also interested in our facilities..."

            "And they were?" Desak's voice had gone ice cold.

            "The Rebels...."


            Over the Victor squadron comm, someone let out a long whistle. "Tighten up, Victors and stay sharp, seems like this mission just got a whole lot more complicated, " BG Rennek ordered. "Colonel Sythe, scan for any signs of Rebel craft in the area."

            "Aye sir, though that shouldn't be too hard. We have a Light Calamari Cruiser coming across the planet's terminator line now."

            Rennek swore under his breath." What's its status?"

            "Detecting an increase in their sublight engines, also detecting several drive trails exiting their hangar bay. I believe they've spotted us, General...."

            Rennek switched comm channels. "Victor Lead to Cyclone. Requesting further orders." Both frigates had undoubtedly picked up the Rebel cruiser by now on their sensors. "We have hostile forces in the area: on light cruiser and approximately 20-30 Y-Wing fighters, all bearing IFF code Rebel."

            "Victor Lead, Cyclone," Desak's voice came over Rennek's helmet speakers. "You are free to engage enemy bogies. Destroy them or run them off. The Voracity II will assist with the cruiser."

            "Acknowledged, Cyclone, " Rennek said, then switched back to the Victor channel. "Ok Victors, we're going in hot. 2,3 and 4 are on me, Sythe, Falgate, take your flight groups in on each side and flank them. Victor Lead, tally-ho!"

            The ion drives of the twelve TIE Fighters glowed with increased power as Victor squadron went to meet the enemy. Even though the TIEs were unshielded, they were highly maneuverable and superior to the sluggish Y-Wings. The Y-Wings could take a pounding though due to their shields, so each Victor pilot had to make each shot count. The cruiser presented a different problem, but they would deal with that obstacle when the time came.


*           *            *


            After the Rebel cruiser had been driven off, Victor squadron reported back to the Cyclone for debriefing. BG Rennek and COLs Sythe and Falgate represented their squadron in front of Rear Admiral Desak. The debriefing was held in Desak's office, a sparse and Spartan room. Desak got right down to business. "The Rebel presence here at Khomm has changed our mission parameters," he began. "Without them attempting to woo Khomm, this mission would have proceeded very smoothly. However, the OverConsul is fully with us and I plan on meeting him aboard the main control station for their orbital facilities. Not only will I get a first hand look at the process, but I will also calm any concerns he has about the Rebels."

            "Very good, sir. Where do we come in?" Rennek inquired.

            "Victor squadron will be escorting and protecting my shuttle. While I'm meeting with the OverConsul, you will be called on to defend the station against any attack attempts," Desak answered.

            "Pardon, sir, but it sounds like you're expecting trouble," Colonel Sythe spoke.

            Desak pulled out his datapad and punched in a series of commands. "I received a transmission from the Signals department of Intelligence before your squadron came back aboard. They inform me that the Rebels are using the Firro system as a staging area to launch attacks against Khomm. They have plenty of ships and weaponry there to throw at us and keep us busy for a while."

            "What kind of opposition can we expect to face, sir?" Rennek asked.

            "One heavy cruiser is leading their task force, and it has escorts of frigates and corvettes. No doubt they're all carrying full starfighter compliments."

            "No doubt," Colonel Falgate muttered.

            "I'm assigning the Victors to the TIE Interceptor squadron for this mission. I hope you won't need it, but the extra firepower and speed may just come in handy...."


*           *            *



            The X-Wing in front of Victor Two exploded in a glorious fireball. "Good shooting, Two!" BG Rennek exclaimed. "Now, break left, I'm on the leader!" Victor Two complied with his commander's orders and moved to cover position. The Khomm orbital cloning facility lay seven clicks ahead and to the left of Victor squadron and the furball they were currently engaged in with Rebel X-Wings.

            "Those Rebel transports are closing in on Khomm Station," Sythe's voice came over the squadron comlink.

            "I see them, Five, and these fighters are taking up too much of our time to intercept them," Rennek answered.

            "We'll never make it in time, Lead," Sythe replied wearily.

            Rennek looked ahead to where the Rebels were already firing ion cannon salvos at the station. It would be disabled and ready for boarding in moments. Rear Admiral Desak and the OverConsul of Khomm were both still on board.

            "This is not looking good. Its time we had some backup," Rennek switched comm frequencies and keyed in the Holonet Fleet comm. "This is Brigadier General Jaster Rennek, Victor Squadron hailing the Imperial Star Destroyer Crusader. We are under heavy Rebel attack and request immediate assistance in the Khomm system...."


*           *            *


            "OK, Victors, this will be short and sweet," Rennek said standing in the Cyclone's briefing room. They had returned to the frigate to plan their next course of action, and buy some time until the Crusader could arrive. The ready alert squadron was now out in space in defensive formation, keeping the Rebels from coming too close to the delegation frigates. The Khomm Defense Force was in play now, but their outdated starfighters were proving to be no match for Rebel X-Wings.

            "The Crusader is en route, ETA thirty-five minutes. Until she arrives, we'll have to hold off the starfighters and go after Khomm Station. We'll be flying assault gunboats for this mission. Flight Groups one and two will concentrate on disabling the station, while Flight Group three keeps the X-Wings off us. The ready alert squadron will also provide assistance," Rennek paused, searching the faces of his pilots. "Once the station is disabled, I'll signal the Cyclone to send over a tech and troop crew to get its shields back up and neutralize any Rebel troopers. Any questions? No? Good luck Victors!"


            "Lead, this is Five, we're taking heavy fire over here!"Sythe's voice cut in over Rennek's comlink.

            "Copy, Five. Nine, you and flight group three help out group two ASAP, they're under attack," Rennek ordered.

            "Roger," Falgate replied.

            Rennek checked his flight group, all three were still with him and in the green after the first torpedo run against the station's shields.

            "This is Eight, I've been hit, I- aaahhh!......"

            "Lead, Five, I've lost Eight," Sythe reported somberly." Falgate where the Sith are you!?"

            "Lead, this is Nine, attempting to reach your position now, but we're taking heavy fire from the station's batteries.

            Rennek punched his control yoke with his fist and swore to himself. What's taking the Crusader so long? A brilliant blue ion bolt shot past Rennek's overhead canopy. "What the!"

            "Victor Lead, this is the Traitorous, thought you might like some assistance, " the voice of the Frigate Traitorous' captain spoke. "We're closing our range to assist in disabling, but we can't come too close, not with that cruiser gunning for us."

            "Acknowledged, Traitorous, and thanks," Rennek replied. "Ok Victors, form up on me, let's take this station down!"

            Victor flight groups one and two unleashed their warheads at the station, targeting the platform’s turbolaser batteries and shield generators. They still had people inside and couldn't risk damaging the station too much. Turbolasers and generators were easily replaced.

            With the last volley of warheads, the station's shields went into the red. The Victor pilots changed over to Ion cannon and released a barrage of ion fire that, seconds later, rendered the station disabled.

            "Cyclone, this is Victor Lead, commence with the boarding operation," Rennek relayed to his command ship. "We're going after that cruiser now. All flight groups on my wing."

            As the gunboats of Victor squadron formed up with their commander, and the ready alert squadron followed behind, a flicker of pseudomotion cascaded through space. The Imperial Star Destroyer Crusader came out of hyperspace ready for battle.

            A voice boomed out over everyone's comlink. "Attention Rebel Forces, this is Vice Admiral Midanyl commanding the Star Destroyer Crusader. You are hereby ordered to stand down and surrender, or you will be destroyed."

            Several of the Rebel X-Wings, startled by the Crusader's arrival, turned back to their own cruiser. Two X-Wings, in their haste, collided with one another, erupting in a gigantic fireball. The Rebel capital ships, however, were not running. In fact, they were now moving into a close knit defensive formation that allowed their shields to overlap, providing extra protection.

            "Victor Lead, this is the Crusader. Vice Admiral Midanyl requests your presence aboard the ship, ASAP," the voice of the Crusader's hangar controller said.

            "Roger, Control, Eleven Victors en route," Rennek replied.


*           *            *


Vice Admiral Midanyl himself met Victor squadron in the hangar bay when they landed minutes later. The pleasantries were dispensed with, Midanyl wanted them right back in to the action.

            "Your TIE Advanced were worked on after you left, Rennek. They're now equipped with jamming beams, and double loads of Advanced Concussion missiles," the Vice Admiral announced. "I want all of you in those Advanced pronto and back out there kicking some Rebel tail. Take out their starfighters, then concentrate on their smaller capital ships. The Crusader will deal with that heavy cruiser...."


*           *            *

            "Well done, Vice Admiral," the hologram of Grand Admiral Drifter said. "The action of your task force, specifically the heroic efforts of Victor Squadron are commendable."

            "Thank you, Grand Admiral," Midanyl replied, bowing to the holographic figure. "I'd like to award the pilots of Victor personally, if the Grand Admiral so grants it."

            "Yes, indeed, they have earned it," Drifter nodded. "What of the Khomm populace? I trust everything is in order?"

            "Aye, sir. They have wholeheartedly placed their allegiance in the Empire and have turned full control of their facilities over to us. Our head scientist tells me that the first batch of clones will be ready within sixty standard days."

            "Excellent, Vice Admiral, I shall so inform the Emperor," Grand Admiral Valdis Drifter said, then his hologram winked out of existence.....

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