Coruscant System
Coruscant History
The Imperial Palace
Emperors Throne Room
System Defenses
Coruscant Spaceport

Coruscant System

A planet in the Core Worlds that was home to the Old Republic, it was renamed Imperial Center by Emperor Palpatine. When the New Republic was born, the planet was renamed to Coruscant. It has two moons, and orbits a small white sun. The planet's entire landmass has been covered (over the thousands of generations spanning galactic history) by multiple levels of the buildings that make up Imperial City. This means that there is little land available for growing food, and no natural rivers or lakes to provide water. To solve the dilemma of feeding and watering millions of inhabitants, many of Coruscant's architects build self-contained ecosystems into their buildings. Engineers have developed a series of huge pipes through which polar ice water is pumped to the cities. Nearly everything on the planet is recyclable, from clothing to packaging and machinery. It was the center of all the Old Republic's activities, and helped describe Galactic Standard time. The Imperial Senate was convened there. When Palpatine assumed control of the Senate and the rest of the government, he established that Coruscant would remain the center of his Empire. He began a massive work effort to shape Coruscant to his desires, including installing a large number of surveillance systems. Following the Battle of Endor, Mon Mothma moved the New Republic onto Coruscant and again re-established the center of the Republic there. This came after the planet was liberated from Ysanne Isard, and the New Republic overcame the threat of the Krytos virus. Unbeknownst to all, Isard's infamous Lusankya prison facility was hidden in the Super-class Star Destroyer Lusankya, which was buried beneath Imperial City. The standard hour and year are marked by Coruscant's local hour and year. The normal Coruscant day is divided into 24 hours, and its year lasts 368 local days. Coruscant is located in Sesswenna Sector.