The IO Archives link on the main menu will transport you to The Imperial Order version 3.0 – the IO as it existed from 2002 until 2005. This is the site as it existed as a member based Star Wars online gaming group. The links and sites from that page, if hosted on, are still active and provide a snapshot in time of one of the greatest Star Wars gaming groups of the time. Please feel free to peruse the Archives and take a step backward in time.
Ged Larsen
Ged Larsen, Emperor
Ruler of the Empire
Imperial Command Authority
Supreme Overlord of the Dark Jedi
EMP/ICA Larsen/ESD Leviathan-sc/CMDR|Charon CSQ|
{SCP}{IOE}{AC}{SC}{DSC}{DFC}{GS(4)}{SS(7)}{BS(5)} {MT}[IOBat:1-26]
"All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved." - Sun-Tzu
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