Jedi Knight Weapons and Items

The following is a brief overview of the key functions weapons and Items in Jedi Knight. For further and more in-depth documentation please consult your owners manual. 

Game Controls

*note* These are the default settings 

General Keyboard Controls

[ESC] - Opens the Options menu screen

F1 - Toggles camera mode

F2 - Turn Field lamp on/off

F3 - Turn Infrared Goggles on/off

F4 - Bacta Tank 

F5 - Force Jump

F6 - Force Speed

F7 - Force Seeing

F8 - Force Pull 

F9 - Game quick save

F11 - Adjust screen brightness

F12 - Takes a screenshot

[+], [-] - Adjust screen size

[ , ] - Cycles through Inventory Items

[Spacebar] - Activate use

R - Next Inventory Item

[Enter] - Use Inventory Item 

[;] , ['] - Cycle through Force Powers 

F - Use Force Power 

[TAB] - Toggles Overlay Map

[~] - Score Tally

T - Brings up the command console in Single Player and talk to other player in Multiplayer
Movement Keyboard Controls

W , [up arrow] or Numberpad 8 - Move Forward

S, [down arrow] or Numberpad 2 - Move Back

[Shift] - Fast Mode

[CpsLck] - Slow Mode

A or Numberpad 1 Sidestep left

D or Numberpad 3 - Sidestep Right

[Left Arrow] or Numberpad 4 - Turn Left

[Right Arrow or Numberpad 6 - Turn Right 

X - Jump 

C - Crouch

[PGDown] - Look Up

[PGUP] - Look down 
Jedi Knight Weapons 

 *Note* Force Powers and powerups will not be discussed until the Dark Jedi Order.

Fists : Bound to the #1 key. These are your weapons of last resort. They do minimal damage at have a very short range. There is no difference between Primary and Secondary Fire. 

Bryar Modified Pistol : Bound to the #2 key. This weapon is actually a sawed-off rifle. It is very accurate at long distances, but it's low firepower and rate of fire detracts from the weapon as a whole. There is no difference between Primary and Secondary fire with this weapon.

Stormtrooper Rifle : Bound to the #3 key. This is the standard issue weapon of the Imperial Stormtrooper. It is a powerful weapon but extremely inaccurate at long distances. It is better used in close fighting quarters. There is no difference between Primary and Secondary fire with this weapon.

Thermal Detonators : Bound to the #4 key. This weapon has 2 modes of use. The first (primary fire) is explosion on impact. The second (secondary fire) is a three second delay from time of impact. The longer you hold the #4 key down the longer you will throw this weapon.

Bowcaster : Bound to the #5 key. Originally the weapon of choice of the Wookiees, it has been modified by the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine. It has 3 modes of firing. The first is a single blast (primary fire). The second is the longer you hold down the primary fire key, it will shoot either a 3 or 5 bolt spread dependent on the length of time you hold down the primary fire key. The third mode of fire is a bolt that will bounce off of most surfaces (secondary fire). 
Imperial Repeater Rifle : Bound to the #6 key. This "machine gun" of the Imperial's is an effective weapon. It has a high rate of fire and is accurate at short and medium distances. It has two modes of fire. The first is a single burst, with a tracer shot every 10 rounds ( primary fire). The second is a three shot spread at a slower rate of fire (secondary fire).

Rail Detonator : Bound to the #7 key. The "rocket launcher." An extremely powerful weapon that shoots explosive rails. The primary firing mode will launch the rail and it will detonate on contact. The secondary firing option will launch the rail and it will attach itself to any surface or person with a three second delay before detonation. 

Sequencer Charge : Bound to the #8 key. This land mine has 2 modes. The primary is detonation after a two second delay. The secondary (but more useful) is detonation when someone approaches it and trips the proximity detector

Concussion Rifle : Bound to the #9 key. This is the most powerful weapon (excluding the lightsaber) known at this time. It has 2 modes of fire. The first is an explosive charge of ionized air. This is extremely dangerous to use in close quarters. The secondary fire is more like a shot gun projectile and is safe to use in close quarters.

Jedi Knight Items 

Headlamp (no picture available) : Uses battery power and will illuminate an area. Uses 1 unit of battery power per second. Default key is F2

Infrared Goggles : also uses battery power but at a faster rate than the headlamp. (5 units per second) Make is easier to see in darkness, but will not give away your position in darkness. (good for sniping in the dark) Default key is F3

Battery : Replenishes your battery power supply up to 200 units. Each battery is worth 25 units 

Bacta Tank : This will revive some of your health up to 100 health. The default key is F4

Heath Power-Up : This will heal 20 points of heal up to 100 when picked up. This item can not be carried

Revive : This pack will restore your heath and shield to their maximum limits (100/200)

Shields : This item will restore 20 units of shield strength

Armor Vest : This vest will restore your shields to full (200 units)

Power Cell : Ammunition for the Bryar Modified Pistol and the Stormtrooper Rifle. Gives 25 units (shots) Max = 30 

Energy Cells : Ammunition for the Bowcaster, Repeater Rifle and the Concussion Rifle. Gives 20 units (20 shots) Max = 500

Rail Charges : Ammunition for the Rail Detonator. Give 3 rails. Max = 30

Smuggler's Backpack (Single Player) Backpack (Multiplayer) : The Smuggler's Backpack contains a StormTrooper Rifle, 40 Shots, 20 Health Units and 20 Shield Units. The backpack in multiplayer contains all items carried by the player before death.

Stormtrooper Backpack : (single player) The stormtrooper's backpack contains
one stormtrooper rifle, 20 energy, and 10

Super Shield : When picked up it boost your shields and make you invulnerable for 30 seconds

Power Boost : when picked up it increase your firing rate and decreases reload time. Last for 30 seconds